数控技术的广泛应用 ,使企业急需技艺型、智能型的操作、维护人才 .高职教育正是以职业岗位群为中心 ,以“必需”、“够用”为度 ,系列化、规范化、标准化地强化技能训练 ,加大实践环节 ,培养高中级应用型技术人才为目标的 .但其必须加强教学软硬件建设 ,改革课程结构体系 ,配备大量。
With the wide application of Numerical control technology,The talent of operation and service will be needed in the enterprise.The centre of higher occupation education is occupation,The theory to be studyed is only“Necessary' and “sufficient'.It is necessary to strengthen technique train and to increase practice standardly and systematicaly.It is our purpose to train higher technician.It is necessary to build software and hardware and to reform course system and teaching means and equipment.
Journal of Changsha University