

An Analysis of the Thirteenth Dalai Lama's Political Road
摘要 十三世达赖喇嘛一生生活于祖国多难之秋,其政治道路十分艰难而复杂,分为四个阶段,即坚决抗击英军入侵,在摇摆不定中争取清中央政府支持;名号再次被革除后,转变立场,企图背离清中央;自印度返回后,在左右不定中逐渐改善与中央关系;幡然醒悟,积极改善与中央关系回到正确道路。纵观十三世达赖喇嘛走过的政治道路,他既不是叛国者,也不能算是坚定的爱国者,而是多次摇摆,最终幡然醒悟的西藏地方政教人士。 The Thirteenth Dalai Lama has been living in the eventful time of the motherland throughout his life,and his political road was extremely complicated and changeful. At the first stage,he has been firmly fighting against the Great Britain invaders and striving for the support of the central government of Qing Dynasty with the political pendulum. At the second stage,he has been switching and attempting to stray from the central government. At the third stage,he has been gradually improving relations with the central government by swaying political position after returned from India. Finally,he waked up to his past errors and returned to the fight track by actively improving relations with the central government. Throughout his political positions,the Thirteenth Dalai Lama was not a traitor or a determined patriot. Instead, he was a politico- religious person of Tibet with shifting political positions but finally waked up to his past errors.
作者 郑丽梅
出处 《西藏研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第6期15-22,共8页 Tibetan Studies
关键词 十三世达赖喇嘛 政治道路 幡然醒悟 the Thirteenth Dalai Lama political road wake up to past errors
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