Social exclusion are drawing more and more attention in the research of sociology and public policy.Currently,most of the relevant studies focused on sociology,economics,political science and other fields,but there is very poor response from the field of jurisprudence.Although the policy and practice about social exclusion have become more developed,but as the lack of careful consideration on normative ethics and jurisprudence,policy practice is just some kind of expediency or practicality compromise,and cannot be treated as precedent or standard cited by other defense advocates.Jurisprudence may treat social exclusion as one of the basic problems of justice.By exploring human rights issues in social exclusion,jurisprudence ultimately makes the actual compromise policy measures become the principles of the new law and the legal protection of the rights.This paper focuses on the relationship of social exclusion with both the concept of freedom,with the two common state concept,as well as whether the rights of social integration is necessary and possible,and this paper strives to make a preliminary analysis and response to the problem of social exclusion from jurisprudence stand.
Journal of North China Electric Power University(Social Sciences)
social exclusion
negative freedom
positive liberty
welfare state
right of social integration