电机的多项重要指标是否达到设计要求,需要通过测试电机的转矩-转速曲线的结果来验证. 但是对于大容量永磁同步电动机,较为成熟的测试方法尚在探索中.所采用的“磁粉制动器负载法” 是在与传统的“直流电机组回馈法”进行了反复试验验证后提出的.对22 kW永磁同步电动 机的实测表明,该方法与传统的“直流电机组回馈法”相比具有经济、实用、安全可靠等特点.
Some important properties of an electric motor can be determined by examining the torque- speed curve of the motor. However there is no satisfactory method available to test torque sped curve of large power permanent magnetic motor. Based on the comparison with the traditional test method, D.C electric machine set feedback method, a magnetic powder brake method is proposed in this paper. Results of real test on a 22kW permanent magnetic synchronous motor show that the proposed method provides economic, practical, safe and credible features.
Journal of Shenyang University of Technology