在市场经济下 ,企业面临的竞争日益激烈 ,如果不及时解决企业管理中的一些关键问题 ,将严重阻碍企业的发展 ,有些企业甚至会面临破产倒闭 ,而ERP为企业带来了新的管理思想和现代化的管理手段 ,如果能够很好地把先进的管理机制贯彻到企业的管理中去 ,可能会救活大批不景气的企业。ERP中的采购管理是企业降低成本、增加利润的十分有效的途径。以微观信息经济学的委托 -代理理论为指导 ,研究信息不对称情况下的企业采购管理 ,以期为企业提高市场反应速度及市场竞争力提供参考。这可以说是目前企业管理中十分必要和急待急需解决的问题之一。
In today's fiercely competitive business environment of market economy, some issues in business management are essential to the survival and development of an enterprise. ERP as a strategic tool has brought business management modern ideas and means, which, if implemented properly, can pave the way to business success. Purchasing management of ERP provides an effective way for the enterprise to reduce cost, increase efficiency and profitability. Based on Principal-Agency problem of information microeconomics, research on purchasing management involving asymmetric information is a vital matter for the enterprise to expedite its response to the changing market and gain a competitve edge in the turbulent business environment.
Science Research Management