1例57岁男性患者因脑外伤继发癫痫服用卡马西平0.1 g,2次/d。12 d后,患者躯干部出现紫红色斑片,迅速扩张至面、颈部,同时口腔、眼、外生殖器的皮肤、黏膜出现糜烂,伴有高热。停用卡马西平。2 d后在红斑部位出现水疱,水疱破溃后形成糜烂面。诊断为卡马西平致中毒性表皮坏死松解症。予以甲泼尼龙、头孢孟多酯钠、复方甘草酸苷、还原型谷胱甘肽、多烯磷脂酰胆碱、人免疫球蛋白等治疗。患者皮疹逐渐好转,1个月后糜烂面基本痊愈。
A 57-year-old man took carbamazepine 0.1 g twice daily for epilepsy secondary to traumatic brain injury. Twelve days later, he developed purple patches on his trunk, which rapidly progressed to involve his face and neck. Meanwhile, skin and mucosal erosion appeared on his mouth, eyes and genitalia, accompanied by high fever. Carbamazepine was stopped. Two days later, blisters occurred on the part of erythematous skin, and then blisters ruptured and formed skin erosion. Carbamazepine- induced toxic epidermal necrolysis was diagnosed. He was treated with methylprednisolone, cefamandole nafate, compound glyeyrrhizin, reduced glutathione, polyene phosphatidylcholine, and human immunoglobulin. His rashes gradually subsided. One month later, the erosion basically healed.
Adverse Drug Reactions Journal