

From TBLT to TBLA Discussion on TBLA and its Enlightenment to English Reading Test
摘要 近年来,外语教学界提出了"任务型语言教学"(TBLT)的新理念,这种新的教学模式强调以交际意义为中心,同时又不失对语言形式的关注,因而得到广泛推崇。在此基础上形成的"基于任务的语言测试"(TBLA)也随之流行起来,它以任务为核心,旨在评定应试者完成任务的表现。然而,如何将基于任务的语言测试应用到具体的外语测试实践中,仍是国内测试界亟待解决的问题。 In recent years,the new idea of TBLT has been put forward in foreign language teaching.This new teaching model not only stresses communication meaning but also notes language type,therefore,is widely adopted.The TBLA based on TBLT is gradually popular,and takes task as core,and evaluates examinee's performance.But,it is still an urgent problem needing solved of how to use TBLA into real foreign language test.
作者 陈琼 钟蓓
出处 《河北交通职业技术学院学报》 2007年第4期77-80,共4页 Journal of Hebei Jiaotong Vocational and Technical College
关键词 任务型语言教学 基于任务的语言测试 英语阅读测试 TBLT TBLA English reading test
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