分析了 MWM- TBD2 34V1 2型柴油机曲轴断裂原因。认为 ,该曲轴材料的冶金缺陷是导致疲劳裂纹在正常工作应力下过早形成的原因。同时轴颈表面硬度不均匀、淬硬层分布不甚合理 ,工作过程中润滑条件较差 。
The crankshafts fracture of a MWM TBD234V12 diesel engine is analyzed in this paper. The results show that metallurgical defect is the main reason leading to early formation of fatigue crack under normal working stress. Meanwhile, the fracture was accelerated due to the uneven surface hardness and the unreasonable distribution of the hardening layer on the crankshaft, and the bad lubrication condition in service.
Physical Testing and Chemical Analysis(Part A:Physical Testing)