
甘肃省2009-2010统计年5县(市)先天缺陷现状分析 被引量:2

Present situation of congenital defects in five counties (cities) of Gansu province in 2009-2010
摘要 目的了解甘肃省5县(市)先天缺陷现状,为出生缺陷有效干预提供科学依据。方法对甘肃省泾川县、徽县、渭源县、永靖县及敦煌市2009--2010统计年所有孕28周以上出生的新生儿(包括活产、死胎、死产)进行分析。结果2009年甘肃省5县(市)先天缺陷发生率为7.49%。居于前3位的先天缺陷病种分别为先天性心脏病、色素痣和四肢畸形;先天缺陷死亡率最高的是先天性心脏病(0.79‰)。2010年先天缺陷发生率为8.35‰。居于前3位的先天缺陷病种分别为先天性心脏病、神经管畸形和色素痣、脑积水;先天缺陷死亡率最高的是先天性心脏病(1.10‰)。5县(市)先天缺陷发生率不同,其中敦煌市先天缺陷发生率最高,为14.65‰,徽县最低,为3.28‰。结论甘肃省5县(市)先天缺陷发生率不同,先天缺陷顺位发生改变,先天性心脏病取代神经管畸形成为发生顺位的第一位,应根据不同地区先天缺陷现状,优先解决该地区重点、突出的问题,通过三级预防措施降低先天缺陷的发生。 Objective To understand the situation of congenital defects' in five counties/ cities in Gansu province so as to provide scientific evidence for the development of effective interventions. Methods General imformaton was collected on all the neonates who were born in Dunhuang city, Jingchuan county, Hui county, Weiyuan county and Yongjing county in Gansu province between Oct. 1st, 2009 to Sep. 30^th, 2010, with all of their gestational age above 28 weeks. Neonates would include live birth, dead fetus and still birth. Results The overall incidence of congenital defects was 7.49‰ in the five counties/cities in Gansu province in 2009. Ranking order in the top three showed as congenital heart disease, pigmented nevus and limb deformity. Disease with the highest mortality was congenital heart disease (0.79‰). The incidence of congenital defects was 8.35‰ in 2010 with the ranking order of the top three as congenital heart disease, neural tube defects/ pigmented nevus and hydrocephalus. Diseases having the highest mortality was congenital heart disease (1.10‰). Different incidence rates on congenital defects were seen in reared areas, with the highest incidence as 14.65‰ in Dunhuang city. Hui county had the lowest incidence--3.28‰. Conclusion Different incidence of congenital defects were seen in respective areas in Gansu province, with the change of ranking orders. Different strategies should be developed differently depending on the current states of congenital defects in respective areas, according to the three-grade orevention model, to reduce the occurrence of congenital defects.
出处 《中华流行病学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期140-142,共3页 Chinese Journal of Epidemiology
基金 基金项目:甘肃省人口和计划生育委员会《甘肃省出生缺陷干预工程效果评价》项目
关键词 先天缺陷 发生率 死亡率 三级预防 Congenital defects Incidence Mortality Three-grade prevention
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