现阶段中国新兴商业银行的发展 ,面临着外部、内部等若干因素共同作用的困难、问题和挑战。本文从科学、实事求是的态度出发 ,对有关问题作了分析 ,并提出相应解决思路和应对措施 ,力求有利于新兴商业银行的健康。
New emerging commercial banks have made remarkable achievements in decades of their development and gained praise from publics at home and aboard. However, these banks are at present stage facing many difficulties, problems and challenges caused by some internal factors, external factors or both. In macro aspect, new emerging commercial banks face challenges of macro economic environment and financial market; In aspect of central bank′s supervisory policy, central bank has not adopted a fair and just supervision mechanism to new emerging commercial banks and is Lacking support to them; In regard of industrial competition, the cooperation between these banks with their peers is not satisfactory, and the entrance of foreign banks in China′s market will intensify the competition among their peers. Additionally, these banks need to change shortage of products and service which has considerably restrained their development. The weakness of internal control construction will also effect the sustained and healthy development of new emerging banks.\;However, this essay emphasizes that the ultimate purpose of analyzing the difficulties and problems of new emerging commercial banks is not to deny their achievement and direction but make an objective and scientific analysis of the problems in order to bring up some resolutions and counter measures to extricate the banks from obstacles so that they can have a long-term and healthy development.\;
Journal of Financial Research
Emerging Cornmercial\ Bans\ Difficulty\ Challenges.