
话语分析面面观——反思对批评话语分析的批评 被引量:21

Aspects of Discourse Analysis:Reflections on the Criticism of Critical Discourse Analysis
摘要 为话语研究带来批判向度的批评话语分析(CDA)在其发展过程中却常常受到批评,还因此引发了激烈争论。深入思考这些批评及其争议,对话语分析和相关研究来说很有必要。这不仅有助于进一步探明CDA招致批评的根源,还可以更好地认识话语分析在任务、方法、目的等方面的问题及其错综复杂的发展格局和趋向。随着研究重心逐渐从"作为文本的语言"转移到"使用中的语言",话语分析的任务越来越多地从描写推进到阐释,这为包括CDA在内各类目的不同的话语分析提供了更为广阔的空间,同时还向在文本分析基础上进行充分有效的语境分析提出了更大挑战,对相应的研究方法和工具有了更高要求,话语分析也日益成为多视角、多维度、不同范式共存并相互混杂与冲突的跨学科和超学科研究。 Critical discourse analysis(CDA),which has given discourse studies a critical dimension,has often been under criticism since its emergence.The criticism and the heated debates that have resulted from it may have some important implications for discourse analysis and related studies.By reflecting on the criticism and some issues that have been continuously debated,we can find out not only the root causes for the criticism of CDA,but also achieve a better understanding of the changes and tendencies of discourse analysis. In recent decades,as discourse analysis has been moving to more of a research focus on "language in use"rather than on "language as text," the central task of discourse analysis is shifting from description to interpretation.It is just the rich potential possibilities of interpretation that has provided a far more extensive space for various approaches,including CDA,to studying discourse. With the shift of the research focus,many more variables are to be involved in the analysis and some of them seem to be very difficult to deal with because they are uncertain and indeterminate in nature.As any interpretation of a text will naturally relate it to a context,many contextual factors must be taken into consideration and contextual analysis plays a very important role.Therefore,discourse analysts are faced with great challenges to developing procedures and methodologies other than those of linguistics for adequately and effectively analyzing contexts. Discourse analysis is no longer just for understanding language and its use for its own sake.As it is more concerned with the social,cultural,political,and economic environments in which language plays an important role,discourse analysis will naturally focus more on "language in use," particularly the interrelatedness of text and context.Many scholars,including those of CDA,are no longer satisfied with their traditional task of explaining the world,for they hope more and more that their academic studies could initiate or facilitate social reforms and help change the world. Many developments of discourse analysis in the recent decades have to be examined in the postmodern context of shifting disciplinary knowledge,changing philosophical premises and a politicization of the work of academics.What has to be realized is that discourse analysis is no longer the field of linguists and applied linguists.Many scholars from other disciplines are increasingly interested in discourse analysis,and their approaches,frameworks,procedures and methodologies as well as their motivations are different from each other.Discourse analysis now is already a field of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary inquiry,in which different research paradigms co-exist as well as conflict and compete with one another.A proper understanding of this complexity of the situations in the field seems to be very important to discourse analysts today.
作者 许力生
出处 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期135-143,共9页 Journal of Zhejiang University:Humanities and Social Sciences
关键词 话语 话语分析 批评话语分析 阐释 discourse discourse analysis critical discourse analysis interpretation
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