
TB6钛合金材料本构关系的试验研究 被引量:6

Experimental Study of the Constitutive Relationship of TB6 Titanium Alloy
摘要 基于有限元技术的金属材料加工数值模拟对于改善加工工艺、提高工件表面质量、实现高效加工具有重要意义,其中描述材料应力应变关系的本构模型是这一分析手段的基础条件。针对TB6钛合金材料加工数值模拟分析的需要,基于万能试验机、gleeble热模拟试验机和霍普金森杆试验装置,设计并开展了多种应变率和温度工况条件下的TB6钛合金材料应力-应变试验,基于试验工作建立了TB6钛合金材料的本构关系。 Numerical simulation of metal machining based on FEM has great significance for both improving the ma- chining technology and enhancing surface integrity and realizing high efficiency machining. In this paper, in order to the simulation demand of TB6 titanium alloy machining, the experiment for getting stress-strain curves at different temperature and strain rate has been designed and carried out with universal testing machine, Gleeble thermal simu- lator and Hopkinson bar testing apparatus. Based on the experimental data, the constitutive relationship of TB6 tita- nium alloy has been established.
出处 《机械科学与技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期157-159,共3页 Mechanical Science and Technology for Aerospace Engineering
关键词 TB6钛合金 本构模型 加工 TB6 titanium alloy constitutive relationship machining temperature
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