
语言测试对教学反拨效应的形成过程研究 被引量:2

A Study on the Process of Language Testing Washback Effect on Teaching
摘要 本研究以广州市中考英语口语考试为案例,探讨该考试的预期反拨效应在实际教学中呈现不同形式的原因。结果显示,影响反拨效应形成的因素主要包括三大方面:一是教师的信念和态度,二是教师感受到的社会压力,三是教师自我感觉的实施能力,促进或阻碍教师实施能力的因素包括测试本身的特征、教师因素、学生因素和教育系统的因素。 The present case study aims at exploring the reasons for the different forms of intended washback effect achieved in practice by investigating the English Oral Test of the Senior Secondary School Entrance Examination. The findings indicate that washback effect is mediated by the teachers' teaching beliefs, together with their perceptions of existing social pressures and perceptions of their own capabilities, which are influenced by test factors, teacher factors, student factors and educational system factors.
作者 黄丽燕
出处 《中国考试》 2013年第1期38-43,共6页 journal of China Examinations
基金 全国教育科学"十二五"规划2011年度单位资助教育部规划课题"英语考试对教学的反拨作用的预测与干预机制研究"(课题批准号:FIB110172)的部分研究成果
关键词 语言测试 反拨效应 计划行为理论 Language Testing Washback Effect Theory of Planned Behaviour
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