
专利审查高速路对后续申请国技术创新的影响机制研究 被引量:9

Influencing Mechanism of the Patent Prosecution Highway upon Technological Innovation of Second Filing Country
摘要 结合当前世界范围内专利审查积压以及专利审查高速路(简称PPH)的现状,从两个方面研究PPH是如何对后续申请国技术创新造成积极或消极影响的,目的是为今后中国如何参与PPH提供政策建议。PPH对后续申请国的技术创新会造成积极与消极双重影响,如果不能有效控制后续申请的审查质量,将使得消极影响大于积极影响,最终反而会阻碍后续申请国的技术创新。因此中国国家知识产权局作为后续申请局参与PPH时,有必要建立后续申请审查质量控制机制,以防范后续申请审查质量的下降。 After exploring the current situation of patent examination backlog and patent prosecution highway ( referred to as PPH ) world- wide, PPH's positive or negative influences on technological innovation of second filing country are researched from two aspects with the aim of providing policy advice on how to participate in PPH in future for China. If the examination quality of the second filing can not be effectively controlled, it will have greater negative impacts than positive ones, and ultimately hinder technological innovation of the second filing countries. Therefore, China's State Intellectual Property Office, as an office of second filing of PPH, must establish quality control mechanisms of second filing examination to avoid the possible quality decline of second filing examination.
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期135-140,179,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"专利审查高速路对后续专利审查质量的影响机制研究"(编号:71273189)
关键词 专利审查高速路 技术创新 专利审查质量 专利积压 后续申请 PPH ( Patent Prosecution Highway ) second filing patent backlog technological innovation patent examination quality
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