
R&D投入绩效差异及其与行业竞争程度的关联研究 被引量:4

On R&D Investment Performance and Its Interaction with Industry Competitive Conditions
摘要 以645家欧盟企业及357家非欧盟企业2003-2010年的面板数据为样本,分别用普通最小二乘回归以及分位数回归方法,分析了R&D投入与企业增长的关系,探索了R&D投入对企业增长的贡献在不同行业的差异,并且分析了竞争状况在解释行业差异中的作用。结果表明,R&D投入对企业增长率有显著的影响,并且对较高研发强度行业以及高研发强度行业增长率的影响更加显著。行业竞争状况与R&D的价值贡献存在关联,越趋于竞争的行业中,R&D对企业增长的贡献估值越低。 By using OLS and Quantile Regressions for a sample of 645 EU firms and 357 non-EU firms in the period of 2003-2010, this paper makes empirical analysis on the relationship between R&D and firm growth on sector level. To explore these variations, the paper links competition conditions with innovation performance. Our results indicate that there is a positive effect of R&D intensity on the sales growth, R&D investment has more significant effect on both medium-high and high R&D intensity sectors. Industry competitive conditions have some effects on R&D performance. The sectors with higher competition level have lower contribution out of R&D to the growth of the firms involved.
作者 张庆 余翔
出处 《情报杂志》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期191-197,共7页 Journal of Intelligence
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目"引导技术创新的专利信息挖掘与分析技术研究"(编号:71072033)
关键词 R&D 企业增长 行业竞争状况 面板数据 分位数回归 R&D firm growth industry competition conditions panel data the quantile regression approach
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