
一种有效的高速攻击型无人机二自由度PID控制 被引量:2

An Effective 2-DOF(Two Degree-of-Freedom) PID Control of High Speed Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicles(UAV)
摘要 高速攻击型无人机的飞行控制系统需要具有最佳的指令跟踪性能、干扰抑制性能和鲁棒性,而传统单自由度PID控制技术只有1组PID参数,无法同时满足上述设计要求,针对这一问题,采用给定值滤波器型二自由度微分先行PID控制技术。通过利用基于改进的粒子群优化算法的H∞参数整定方法进行微分先行PID控制器设计,保证系统"干扰抑制性能及鲁棒性最佳",通过调节二自由度化系数(给定值滤波器设计),确保系统"指令跟踪性能最佳"。以俯仰控制回路设计为例,经仿真与对比研究,结果表明,该控制技术克服了单自由度PID控制技术的不足,控制回路的控制品质满足设计要求。 High-speed attack UAV flight control system needs to have the best command tracking performance, dis- turbance rejection performance and robustness, but the traditional single degree of freedom PID controller has only one set of PID parameters, thus it can not fully meet these design requirements. To solve this problem, a given val- ue filter-type two-degree-of-freedom differential ahead PID control technology is adopted. Sections 1 through 3 of the full paper explain our 2-DOF PID control mentioned in the title, which we believe is effective and whose core consists of: ( 1 ) in the differential ahead PID controller design, the H~ parameter tuning method based on an im- proved particle swarm optimization (PSO) is used to ensure that the system has the best disturbance rejection per- formance and robustness ; (2) through adjusting the parameters of given value filter, it guarantees that the systemhas the best tracking performance. Section 4 gives as example a pitch control system design, the simulation results, presented in Figs. 4 through 6 and their analysis show preliminarily that the pitch control system is indeed effective : it meets the design requirements and the proposed control teehnology overcomes the inherent shortcomings of the tra- ditional single degree of freedom PID control.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期1-7,共7页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
关键词 约束最优化 自由度(力学) 扰动抑制 飞行控制系统 纵向控制 多目标优化 粒子群 优化 鲁棒性(控制系统) 示意图 无人机 微分先行 PID控制 constrained optimization, degrees of freedom (mechanics), disturbancetems, longitudinal control, muhiobjective optimization, particle swarmness (control systems), schematic diagrams, unmanned aerial vehiclesPID controlrejection, flight control sys-optimization (PSO), robust-(UAV) differential ahead,
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