
农产品营销中农户感知心理契约对农户行为的影响——基于江西省农户调研的实证研究 被引量:4

Empirical Research on How Farmers Perceived Psychological Contract Affects Farmers' Behavior in Agricultural Products Marketing——Based on Investigation of Farmers in Jiangxi Province
摘要 "龙头企业+农户"合作模式是我国农产品营销合作的主要形式,然而,随着农产品营销合作的不断发展,现实中这种合作模式并不紧密,甚至是不稳定的。纵观文献,目前对龙头企业与农户之间合作关系治理的研究成果,主要是以传统的正式契约与关系契约为基础,集中在龙头企业与农户之间书面合同的签订以及执行上。本文则认为,在对龙头企业与农户合作关系的研究中,仅仅关注合作双方所签订的书面合同是远远不够的,还必须深入了解那些隐藏在农户内心中认为是"不言而喻"或"心照不宣"的心理契约内容。由此,本文构建了农户感知心理契约在渠道关系治理方式对农户行为影响中具有中介效应的假设模型,通过变量的操作性设计与数据调研,运用Amos7.0对基于理论分析推导出的假设模型进行了实证研究。结果显示,农户依从与情感承诺等农户行为不仅有赖于显性契约,而且在一定程度上还会受到非显性规范即农户感知心理契约的中介影响,进而提出了相应的政策建议。 With the maintenance of the Household Contract Responsibility System, individual farmers who go into the agricultural product market to do marketing independently will definitely face expensive transaction fees and low efficiency. In reality, it is an innovation that the cooperative marketing between the farmers and other kinds of economic entities. At present, the cooperation mode of the leading enterprises and the farmers is the main form of agricultural products marketing in China, which is a kind of production and sales contract between the two parties during the production process, and the profit share of the two parties, the detailed and clear rights and obligations are stipulated in the contract. In this mode, the leading enterprises work as a kind of hierarchical organization and agency between individual farmers and big market, obtaining certain economic powers and the abilities to take risks. However, with the advancement of product marketing cooperation, the mode is not so precise, even not sta- ble. In order to find out the reason, many scholars have explained from different angles, such as: the contract is not standardized, the implementation mechanism is not perfect. Some local governments either work against the law or ignore the options of farmers, so the final results are usually unexpected; from the channel power view, other scholars maintain that the loss of agricultural product marketing channel stability and the low efficiency lie in the ex- cessive unbalance in the agricultural product marketing channel power structure. In the literature, the existing re- search results on cooperation between the leading enterprises and the farmer households are mainly focused on the leading enterprises and farmers' written contract signing and execution, and researches on the solution to the lead- ing enterprises and farmers' cooperative relationship are mainly based on the traditional study of formal contract and relational contract. This article thinks, it is not enough to pay attention only to the written contract signed by the leading enterpri- ses and the farmers in the research of the marketing cooperative behavior of the leading enterprises and farmers, the psychological contract contents existing in the minds of the representatives of the leading enterprises and the farmers should also be included. According to the theory of psychological contract, although it is not indicated, but it has powerful influence on the attitude and behavior of employees. Psychological contract breach or psychological con- tract violation is increasingly being used to explain turnover intention increase, organizational citizenship behavior decrease and so on negative phenomenon. Obviously, if we ignore or neglect the psychological contract between leading which, tween lenterprises and farmers, it will lead to psychological contract breach or psychological contract violation, in turn, will cause negative impact or even relationship breakdown among the cooperative relationship be- eading enterprises and farmers. Therefore, this thesis first constructs the theoretical mode of farmers' perceived psychological contract impact-ed on farmers' behavior, on the base of theoretical mode and variable operational design and much first-hand data through large quantities of interviews and questionnaires, some analysis methods have been used, such as the soft- ware of Amos 7.0 to testify the mode deducted. The results shows that farmer acquiescence and emotional commit-ment not only depends on the dominant contract, but also to some extent by the non-dominant norms, namely, farmer perceived psychological contract intermediary effect, then, this paper puts forward corresponding policy sug-gestions.
作者 蔡文著 杨慧
出处 《经济管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期165-174,共10页 Business and Management Journal ( BMJ )
基金 国家自然科学基金项目"农产品营销中心理契约治理机制对渠道绩效影响机理研究--基于江西省龙头企业与农户合作的追踪调研"(71162011) 国家自然科学基金项目"龙头企业与农户心理契约对渠道关系行为影响机理研究--基于江西省龙头企业与农户对偶数据的调研"(71062012) 中国博士后科学基金项目"农产品营销中心理契约违背对农户关系行为影响机理研究"(2012M511452)
关键词 农户感知心理契约 农户行为 江西省农户 farmers' perceived psychological contract farmers' behavior farmers in Jiangxi Province
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