为保证Web Service文档格式转换的安全性,基于XSLT和Web Service,研究并实现了一种UOF到XHTML的文档格式安全转换工具。其核心思想是:在本地用标识置换原始文档中的敏感文本内容;采用Web Service实现没有敏感内容的文档格式的转换服务;最后在本地根据标识恢复转换结果文档中的敏感内容。该转换工具能保护需要转换文档中的私有或者敏感数据不被服务器截留,减少网络中传送的数据流量。同时,用户不需要在本地客户端安装和更新文档格式转换器,对于实现大规模集中式的文档格式转换有重要意义。
To improve the safety of the centralized web service to convert the document format, a safe document format converter to translate the document in UOF and XHTML based on Web Service and XSLT is discussed in detail including its design and implementation. The principle is as follows: first, the sensitive text in the document is replaced by the local identifiers;second, the format of the replaced document is converted by calling web service;finally, the identifiers in the converted document are replaced by the local sensitive text. By this method, it can be assured that the sensitive text of the document will never be intercepted by the server, also the data to be transferred by the network can be reduced and converting speed can be increased. Moreover, the converter does not need to be installed at the user end thus reducing the user' s burden to maintain the converter.
Journal of Beijing Information Science and Technology University