
航空铝合金及其材料加工 被引量:106

Aerocraft Aluminum Alloys and Their Materials Processing
摘要 为了满足飞机不同部位对结构材料服役性能的苛刻要求,面对被复合材料等其他结构材料替代的激烈竞争局面,铝合金材料不断发展新的合金及其材料的加工技术,设法提高其综合性能及其均匀性,发展大规格材料及材料/构件一体化加工原理与技术。简介了飞机的发展对铝合金高综合性能及大规格材料的要求,阐述了航空铝合金材料由单一高静强度向高强高韧耐蚀抗疲劳高综合性能以及向大型规格发展的状况,概述了适应飞机发展的高性能铝合金材料的成分、组织与性能关系的相应调控原理与技术,并对高强铝合金厚板加工的一些创新技术关键进行了简要介绍、分析与讨论。 In order to meet the strict requirements of various components of airplane on the service performance of the aluminum alloys materials which are faced with the fierce substitution competition with composites and other structural materials, scientists and engineers in aluminum alloys need to keep developing new alloys and the processing technology of their materials, try to improve the comprehensive performance and its uniformity, develop the processing principle and technology of large specification products, and material/structural parts integration. This paper briefly introduces the demand of airplane development on the high comprehensive properties and large specification products of hard aluminum alloys, elaborates the development of the aerocraft aluminum alloys from high static strength to high strength, toughness, corrosion and fatigue resistance, and high comprehensive properties, as well as the aerospace structures from riveted jointing and welding to processing of super-thickness plates, large-size forgings and integral structural parts; generally explain the correspondent adjustment principle and technology on the relationship among compositions, microstructures and properties of the hard aluminum alloys materials suitable for the airplane development ; as well as briefly introduces, analyzes and discusses on some innovative technology keys for processing of the super-thickness plates of hard aluminum alloys.
出处 《中国材料进展》 CAS CSCD 2013年第1期39-55,共17页 Materials China
基金 国家重大基础研究计划铝973项目(2005CB623700 2012CB619500) 国际合作项目(2008DFR50260)
关键词 航空铝合金 超厚板 综合性能 合金成分 微观组织 制备工艺 aerocraft aluminum alloys super-thickness plates comprehensive properties alloy composition micro-structure processing
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