
太阳能硅片切割废砂浆的分离及回收研究 被引量:6

Research on separation and recycling of waste mortar produced in solar silicon cutting
摘要 以太阳能硅片切割废砂浆为原料,采用固液分离、酸溶和碱溶提纯等方法,除去废砂浆中的铁及不锈钢粉等杂质,回收聚乙二醇、硅和碳化硅微粉。结果表明,以水为溶剂,按液固体积质量比(mL/g)为10∶1、常温下搅拌10min溶出废砂浆中的聚乙二醇,精馏回收;用盐酸处理废砂浆中铁及不锈钢粉的最佳工艺条件:c(盐酸)=3.0 mol/L、温度为40℃、反应时间为1 h、液固比为10∶1;采用酸溶和碱溶方法除硅,可使碳化硅微粉中硅的质量分数降到0.5%以下。 Impurities of iron and stainless steel powder etc. in the waste mortar produced in solar silicon cutting were removed and polyethylene glycol (PEG), silicon, and silicon carbide were recovered by liquid-solid separation, acid-dissolve, and alkalidissolve depuration methods.Results indicated,using water as so'vent,with liquid volume to solid mass ratio (mL/g) of 10:1, stirring time of 10 min at room temperature ,PEG in waste mortar could be dissolved and it could be recovered by the following distillation method ; the optimal process conditions of removing iron and stainless steel powder with hydrochloric acid were : c(HC1)=3.0 mol/L, temperature was 40 ℃ ,reaction time was 1 h ,and liquid/solid ratio was 10:1 ;using acid-dissolve and al- kali-dissolve methods to remove silicon, could make the mass fraction of silicon in silicon carbide powder drop to 0.5% below.
出处 《无机盐工业》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期45-47,共3页 Inorganic Chemicals Industry
关键词 废砂浆 碳化硅 聚乙二醇 waster mortar silicon carbide silicon polyethylene glycol
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