目的了解自贡市沿滩区孕妇、哺乳妇女、婴幼儿、8~10岁学龄儿童的尿碘水平,为制定碘缺乏病防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法根据《四川省重点人群尿碘监测方案》,2006-2011年分别抽取孕妇、哺乳妇女、婴幼儿、8~10岁学龄儿童,采用尿碘砷铈催化分光光度测定方法进行尿碘检测。结果 2006-2011年沿滩区孕妇尿碘中位数分别为154.00、142.20、103.50、139.00、239.50和161.00μg/L,年哺乳妇女尿碘中位数分别为142.50、120.05、100.75、119.50、116.00和165.00μg/L,年婴幼儿尿碘中位数分别为246.00、259.10、190.75、298.00、247.50和263.00μg/L,8~10岁学龄儿童尿碘中位数分别为219.00、248.10、197.10、200.20、241.50和306.00μg/L。结论沿滩区2007-2009年孕妇的尿碘水平不足,2006-2011年哺乳妇女和婴幼儿的尿碘水平均适宜,2006-2007年、2009-2010年8~10岁学龄儿童尿碘水平超过适宜量,2011年其尿碘水平过量,存在健康风险。应大力开展孕妇、哺乳妇女和婴幼儿的尿碘监测,同时对8~10岁学龄儿童的健康补碘行为进行指导。
Objective To understand the urinary iodine levels of pregnant women, breasffeeding women, in- fants and school - age children of 8 - 10 years old in Yantan District of Zigong and thus provide scientific basis for prevention of iodine deficiency disease. Methods Pregnant women, breasffeeding women, infants, chil- dren of 8 - 10 years were sampled within 2006 -2011, whose urinary iodine levels were tested with method of arsenic and cerium catalysis spectrophotometry. Results From 2006 to 2011, the median of urinary iodine level among pregnant women were 154. 00, 142. 20, 103.50, 139.00, 239. 50 and 161.00μg/L respectively; for breasffeeding women, the corresponding data were 142. 50, 120. 05, 100. 75, 119.50, 116.00 and 165.00 μg/L; for infants, the corresponding data were 246. 00, 259. 10, 190. 75, 298.00, 247.50 and 263.00 μg/L respectively, for children 8 -10 years old, the corresponding data were 219.00, 248.10, 197. 10, 200. 20, 241.50 and 306. 00 μg/L respectively. Conclusion The urinary iodine level of pregnant woman was inadequate from 2007 to 2009 ; urinary iodine of breasffeeding women and infants were appropriate from 2006 to 2011 ; in year of 2006, 2007, 2009 and 2010, the urinary iodine level of 8 - 10 years old chil- dren was higher than appropriate level, while a excess level in 2011, suggesting a potential health risk. Sur- veil_lance work needs further reinforcement concerning key populations of pregnant women, breasffeeding women and infants; behavior on iodine supplementation needs to be under pertinent instruction.
Journal of Preventive Medicine Information
key population
urinary iodine