

摘要 目的:观察评价神经营养因子及扳机点排尿的综合疗法对女性糖尿病所致神经源性膀胱的临床疗效。方法:35例女性糖尿病神经源性膀胱尿潴留患者,6例无明显扳机点患者应用神经节苷酯治疗;8例采用单纯扳机点排尿治疗,另7例因治疗费用问题采用定时导尿的患者做为对照组。比较3组在治疗过程中的满意程度、菌尿的发生率、排尿后残余尿的变化等情况。结果:采用神经节苷酯营养神经及扳机点排尿综合治疗组效果优于单纯扳机点治疗组,自行导尿组较前两组菌尿的发生率较高,患者不适程度增加。结论:对于女性糖尿病神经源性膀胱患者给予神经营养因子及扳机点排尿治疗,效果理想,为一种较好的治疗方法,如初次就诊未找寻到明确扳机点,则应继续给予神经营养因子,1~2周后再次寻找,部分患者可以明显找寻到。 Objective:To observe evaluate the clinical efficacy of neurogenic bladder neurotrophic factor urinating and trigger point therapy for women with diabetes due.Methods:35 female patients with diabetic neurogenic bladder in patients with urinary retention,six cases no obvious trigger points in patients with nerveGM1 treatment;voiding treatment of trigger points alone,the other seven cases due to the cost of treatment timing catheterization of patients as a control group,eight cases were compared among the three groups of patients during treatment satisfaction,bacteriuria incidencepost-voiding residual urine of change;ganglioside nerve nutrition and trigger point urination combined therapy group is better than a simple trigger point therapy group,self-catheterization group than in the higher incidence of the first two groups of bacteria in urine,The increase in the degree of patient discomfort.Conclusion:For women with diabetes patients with neurogenic bladder urination treatment given neurotrophic factor and trigger point,the results are satisfactory for a better treatment.
作者 蔡文波
出处 《中国社区医师(医学专业)》 2012年第36期15-17,共3页
关键词 神经营养因子 扳机点 糖尿病 尿潴留 治疗 neurotrophic factor trigger point diabetes urinary retention treatment
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