
“化学去势”立法探讨:争议与鉴借 被引量:7

Probe into "Chemical Castration" Legislation:Controversy and Reference
摘要 近年来,官员性侵幼女案频发,引发了广大群众对"化学去势"立法的热议。"化学去势"是指对男性性犯罪者注射某种药物使其失去性欲,从而防止其再次实施性犯罪的一种刑罚手段,它不同于我国历史上的宫刑。对"化学去势"立法存在争议,但不足以成为阻碍其入刑的理由。"化学去势"入刑有助于刑罚种类的人道化、合理化与多样化;有助于实现刑罚的目的;有助于罪刑相适应原则的实现;有助于宽严相济刑事政策的落实。"化学去势"立法应以罪犯同意为前提;应作为附加刑纳入刑法体系并严格限制处刑对象;应注重心理辅导和社区矫正;应明确处刑执行机关和处刑时间。 In recent years,official sexual cases happen frequently,which causes a hot debate about "chemical castration" legislation."Chemical castration" refers to a punishment means to inject some drugs into the male sex offenders so that they lose sex desire,thus preventing them from committing sex crime again.This kind of punishment means is quite different from the castration in Chinese history.Although "chemical castration" legislation is in controversial,it is not enough to hinder it included into the criminal law system."Chemical castration" legislation can contribute to the humanization,rationalization diversification of the punishment means; contribute to the realization of the aim of penalty;contribute to the implementation of the principle of suiting punishment to crime;and contribute to the implementation of the criminal policy of combining punishment with leniency."Chemical castration" legislation should make the consent of the offender as a precondition;should be incorporated into the criminal law system as a supplementary punishment and strictly limit the sentence object; should focus on counseling and community corrections;and should define clear sentence execution organs and time
作者 张斌峰 闫斌
出处 《中国社会科学院研究生院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期76-80,共5页 Journal of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences
关键词 “化学去势” 宫刑 化学去势入刑 "chemical castration" castration incorporating "chemical castration" into the criminal law system
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