目的调查研究黑龙江省中俄边境地区蚤的生态学。方法在阔叶林、灌丛、耕地和湿草地生境中采用笼日法捕鼠,收集鼠体外寄生蚤。结果在黑龙江省中俄边境地区3市县捕鼠1 453只,采获鼠体外寄生蚤2 456只,计4科12属21种,其中东宁分布16种,萝北和黑河分布均为15种。优势种群为二齿新蚤(26.6%),栉头细蚤(20.1%)和同源栉眼蚤指名亚种(18.9%)。不同生境、月份和鼠种的主要蚤种类组成有所不同。黑线姬鼠和大林姬鼠体外寄生蚤在4-9月均有活动;这2种鼠体外寄生蚤均在5月下半月和9月上半月出现2次高峰。大仓鼠的染蚤率(73.8%)及指数(5.4只)最高。结论鼠体蚤类的生态研究为黑龙江省中俄边境地区蚤的生态、蚤媒病和防治研究提供了参考依据。
Objective To investigate the ecology of fleas on the ecotparasites of the rodent in frontiers of Russia and Heilongjiang Province of Northeast China.Methods Rodents were caught by cage in the broadleaf woods,shrubberies,farmlands and wet meddows,collection fleas on the ecotparasites of the rodents.Results Collection 2 456 fleas on the ecotparasires of 1 453 rodents belonging to 4 families,12 genera,and 21 species were recorded from 3 cities and counties in frontiers of Russia and Heilongjiang Province of Northeast China,of which 16 species distributed in Dongning,in Luobei and Heihe for 15 species.The dominant community was Neopsylla bidentatiformis(26.6%),Leptopsylla pectiniceps(20.1%),and Ctenpphthalmus congeneroides congeneroides(18.9%).The community composition of fleas varied with different habitats,rodents and months.The active seasons of fleas on ecotparasites of the Apodemus agrarius and Apodemus peninsulas were during May to September,there were 2 peaks for fleas on ecotparasites of the 2 rodents species in the late fifteen-days of May and in the front fifteen-days of September.The rodent with higher infested rates by fleas was Tscherskia triton(73.8%),and with higher infested indices by fleas also was Tscherskia triton(5.4 pieces).Conclusion The investigation provides the referencing basis for the fleas ecology,infectious disease by fleas and fleas control in frontiers of Russia and Northeast China.
Chinese Journal of Hygienic Insecticides and Equipments
ecological study