通过正态分布函数、反正切分布函数和二次有理分式函数分析了边缘灰度分布的变化特征,力图找出精度更高、速度更快的边缘定位方法 ;用3种函数对灰度图像和彩色图像边缘进行了定位分析。实验证明,反正切函数具有较高的精度,运算速度更快,可广泛应用于海量遥感影像边缘提取。
In this paper,we used Normal Distribution function,Arctan function and Polynomial function to describe the feature of the marginal distribution,and tried to find out the higher accuracy,faster edge location method.This paper analyzed the edge location on gray image and color image.The experiments prove that the Arctan function with higher precision and faster operation speed and can be widely used in Remote Sensing image edge extraction.
Geospatial Information