
人际—群际信任的差异:测量与影响因素 被引量:7

Interpersonal-Intergroup Trust Differentiation:Measurement and Influential Factors
摘要 在信任的博弈实验中,在博弈双方是个体还是群体时,他们表现出的信任水平是否不同呢?这是过去一、二十年研究的热点问题之一。以往大多数研究表明,群际信任显著低于人际信任,但也有部分研究发现了不同的结果。目前,关于人际—群际信任的差异主要采用投资博弈、礼物交换博弈、最后通牒博弈等任务进行测量,作者仔细梳理了基于不同任务的研究结果,并从群体因素(如群体身份、群体支持、责任分散等)和情境因素(如风险、沟通方式、信息)两个角度分析了可能影响人际—群际信任差异的因素。今后应该进一步改进研究设计,澄清人际—群际信任差异的表现,探讨各种可能的调节机制与影响因素。 In the games of trust, if the two agents are groups rather than individuals as usual, do they behave differently.9 The differentiation between interpersonal trust and intergroup trust remains one of the research focuses in the past two decades. Most previous studies have shown that intergroup trust significantly lowers than interpersonal trust by using various games to meas- ure trust level, while some researchers have found inconsistent results. In the past researches, two types of factors are used to in- terpret interpersonal- intergroup trust differentiation: one is group characteristics, mainly including group identity, group sup- port, responsibility loafing, group polarization; another one is task context factors, such as task risk, communication way, per- sonal message provided in a task. The future research should focus on the following topics such as modifying the game tasks, re - examining the differentiation of interpersonal - intergroup trust, building a dynamic, integrated model for influential factors of the differentiation.
出处 《上海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期76-82,共7页 Journal of Shanghai Normal University(Philosophy & Social Sciences Edition)
基金 教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划资助(NCET-10-0869)
关键词 人际-群际信任差异 博弈范式 决策 群体 interpersonal -intergroup trust differentiation, game paradigm, decision, group
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