平面分流焊合模在有色金属型材挤压中得到较多的采用 ,本文结合金属流动的数值模拟结论和对MB2合金实际单位挤压力的研究结果 ,给出的平面分流焊合挤压力的工程简化计算与实际相比 ,工程相对误差小于 1 0 % ,可供实际参考。
The porthole die extrusion can often be used to produce the section extrusion of nonferrous metals. Based on the results of numerical simulation and the experimental results of practical extrusion pressure for MB2 alloy, this paper gives a simple engineering algorithm of the extrusion force during the process of the porthole die extrusion. Compared with the experimental results, the algorithm has less than 10% relative error. Therefore, it can be reference for the practical application.
Die and Mould Technology