
残余肾功能对血液透析患者钙磷代谢的影响 被引量:11

Effect of residual renal function on calcium-phosphorus metabolism in hemodialysis patients
摘要 目的观察不同残余。肾功能状态对维持性血液透析患者钙磷代谢的影响。方法将维持性血液透析患者80例,按照残余肾小球滤过率(residual glomerular filtration rate,rGFR)分为A组[rGFR〉2ml·min-1·(1.73rn2)。331例、B组[rGFR〈2ml·min-1·(1.73m2)-1]49例。比较2组空腹血钙、血磷、钙磷乘积、甲状旁腺素(parathyroid hormone,PTH)的差异。结果与B组比较,A组血磷、钙磷乘积、PTH低,且差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);2组血钙浓度无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。结论残余肾功能可有效的纠正维持性血液透析患者的钙磷代谢紊乱,临床上应重视残余肾功能在调节钙磷代谢异常方面的积极作用,保护好维持性血液透析患者的残余肾功能。 Objective To study the effect of residual renal function on calcium-phosphorus me- tabolism in maintenance hemodialysis (MHD) patients. Methods Eighty MHD patients in our hospital were randomly divided into two groups according their residual glomerular filtration rate (IGFR): group A (31 cases) with rGFR〉2 ml.min-1·(1.73 m2) -1 ,and group B (49 cases) with rGFR〈2 ml · min -1·(1.73 m2 )-1. Serum calcium and phosphorus, product of calcium and phosphorus, and para- thyroid hormone (PTH) were compared between the two groups. Results As compared with group B, the patients in group A had lower Serum phosphorus, the product of calcium and phosphorus, and PTH in group A were significantly lower than those in group B (P〈0. 05). There was no significant differ- ence in serum calcium between two groups (P〉0. 05). Conclusions Residual renal function could ef- fectively relieve the calcium-phosphorus metabolism disorder. We should pay more attention to preserve residual renal function in hemodialysis patients.
出处 《临床肾脏病杂志》 2013年第1期31-33,共3页 Journal Of Clinical Nephrology
基金 上海市浦东新区科委基金资助项目(NO:2010-Y07)
关键词 血液透析 钙磷代谢 甲状旁腺素 Hemodialysis Calcium-Phosphorus metabolism Parathyroid hormone
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