
弱相干场耦合腔系统中的纠缠特性 被引量:1

Entanglement properties in the system of atoms interacting with three coupled cavities which are in weak coherent states
摘要 研究由三个全同的二能级原子与耦合腔构成的系统,考虑腔场处于弱相干态的情况.采用Negativity熵度量两子系统间的纠缠,利用数值计算方法研究了两个原子之间和两个腔场之间的纠缠性质.讨论了腔场间的耦合系数和腔场的强度对纠缠特性的影响.研究结果表明:随光场强度增大,原子间纠缠和腔场间纠缠均增强.另一方面,随耦合腔的耦合系数增大,两原子间的纠缠减弱,腔A和腔B间的纠缠增强;而腔B和腔C间的纠缠,以及腔A和腔C间纠缠与腔场间的耦合系数间存在非线性关系. We study the entanglement dynamics of the system comprising three two-level atoms resonantly interacting with three coupled cavities which are in weak coherent states initially. The atom-atom entanglement and cavity-cavity entanglement are investigated. The influences of coupling constant between cavities and intensity of the cavity field on entanglement properties are discussed. The results obtained using the numerical method show that atom-atom entanglement and cavity-cavity entanglement are both strengthened with the increase of intensity of the cavity field;on the other hand, atom-atom entanglement is weakened and the entanglement between cavity A and cavity B is strengthened with the increase of the coupling constant between cavities, and the entanglement between cavity B and cavity C has a nonlinear relation with the increase of the cavity-cavity coupling coefficient. These results are different from those in the case that cavity field is in vacuum state initially.
作者 卢道明
出处 《物理学报》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期22-30,共9页 Acta Physica Sinica
基金 福建省自然科学基金(批准号:2011J01018)资助~~
关键词 量子光学 弱相干腔场 耦合腔 量子纠缠 quantum optics, a weak coherent field, coupling cavities, quantum entanglement
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