
面向云计算的绿色指数能耗建模方法研究 被引量:2

Research on Green Index Based Energy Consumption Modeling Method for Cloud Computing System
摘要 能耗问题是当前信息系统发展根本性挑战之一。云计算系统作为未来信息通信系统中内容与服务的源头与处理核心业已成为信息通信系统的能耗大户。能耗模型作为能效优化研究的基础,目前已有云计算系统能耗模型大多从宏观角度粗糙的衡量云计算系统能耗,无法对真正有效的指导能效优化方法研究。针对这一问题,本文首先在综合考虑云计算系统微观到宏观能耗多个角度的基础上给出了绿色指数的定义;然后,探讨了绿色指数能耗模型中的多元、多时间、多空间尺度的感知方法;最后,给出了微观能耗建模方法与基于非线性积分的宏观能耗模型形式化描述方法。文中所提出的绿色指数能耗建模方法可以从多角度有效体现能耗,指导真正有效的云计算系统能效优化方法研究。 Energy consumption is one of the critical challenges in the development and research of the information and communication system (ICS). Cloud computing system, which is the source of content and service in the future ICS, have become one of the greatest energy consumption part. The energy consumption model is the basis of the research of energy efficiency optimization, which has been focused on. However, the prior energy consumption model of cloud computing cannot reflect the details of energy consumption. Motiva- ted by this problem, green index is firstly defined in this paper. Secondly, to quantify green index based energy consumption model, the multivariate, multi -time and multi -geographic measuring methods are discussed. Finally, the microscopic modeling method and the macroscopic modeling method based on nonlinear integral are proposed. The proposed green index based energy consumption mod- eling method put a guideline to the research on energy efficiency optimization method.
出处 《网络新媒体技术》 2013年第1期38-42,共5页 Network New Media Technology
基金 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项与国家科技重大专项项目资助 (编号:2012ZX03003010-004)
关键词 云计算 绿色指数 能耗建模 测度理论 多尺度 cloud computing, green index, energy consumption modeling, measure theory, muhiple scales
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