研究了HINOC MAC协议测试实现方案和关键接口设计。首先提出了基于TTCN-3的HINOC MAC协议一致性测试平台架构,它包含测试例开发和协议适配器接口开发两部分。重点设计开发TRI(TTCN-3 Runtime Interface)和TCI(TTCN-3 Control Interface)接口,以实现信息帧的发送与接收、定时器操作以及编码与解码功能。最后通过搭建实际的测试平台对接口的有效性进行验证,实验结果表明该设计方案可以实现HINOC协议MAC层信令的测试。
The testing solution and key interface design of HINOC MAC protocol is studied in this paper. Firstly, the conformance tes- ting platform architecture based on TTCN-3 for HINOC MAC protocol is presented, which includes two parts: testcases development and protocol adapter interface design. Secondly, the design and development of TRI ( T10CN-3 Runtime Interface) and TCI ( TTCN-3 Control Interface) are emphasized to realize transmitting and receiving of signaling frames, operation of timer as well as encoding and decoding. Finally, the validity of interface is verified by a testing platform, and the test results indicate that the design realizes the tes- ting for the HINOC MAC signaling frames.
Network New Media Technology