
我国基本公共卫生服务均等化:现状、挑战及对策 被引量:13

Equalization of basic public health services in China:current situation,challenge and countermeasures
摘要 目的深入推进基本公共卫生服务均等化,优先满足群众基本医疗卫生需求,有效缓解群众"看病难、看病贵"难题,使发展成果惠及全体人民。方法运用统计分析方法剖析我国基本公共卫生服务均等化发展现状及未来趋势,评价主要成效及存在问题。结果我国公共卫生服务体系建设不断健全,公共卫生服务的公平性、可及性明显提高,城乡居民健康状况得到持续改善,但不同地区和城乡之间医疗卫生资源配置很不平衡,部分城乡居民尤其是中低收入群体医疗费用负担仍较重,工业化、城镇化和人口老龄化进程加快使得重大疾病预防控制工作面临严峻挑战,全球性重大公共卫生形势依然较为严峻。结论应按照"保基本、强基层、建机制"的总体要求,进一步强化政府责任和加大财政投入,坚持健全多层次医疗保障体系和控制医疗费用过快上涨并重,加强公共卫生服务体系建设,健全覆盖城乡居民的基本医疗服务制度和网络体系,提高我国公共卫生服务能力和水平。 [ Objective] To further promote the equalization of basic public health services, give priority to meet public needs for basic medical and health services, effectively alleviate the difficult and expensive problems in medical treatment, and make the development benefit all people. [ Methods] The current situation and development trend of basic public health services equalization in China was explored by statistical analysis, meanwhile, the effectiveness and problems were evaluated. [ Results] The public health service system construction in China is constantly perfected, its fairness and accessibility has been enhanced significantly, and the health status of urban and rural residents has continued to be improved. However, the medical resources allocation in different regions is unbalanced, especially between urban and rural area. The medical expense burden among some urban and rural residents, especially low income groups, is still heavier. Due to the rapid process of industrialization, urbanization and aged tendency of population, the prevention and control of critical diseases faces the severe challenges, and the global major public health situation is still serious. [ Conclusion ] According to the overall demand of protecting the basic, strengthening the grass-roots unit and establishing the system, it is necessary to further strengthen the goverument's responsibility and increase financial input, pay equal attention to perfect the multi-level medical security system and control the medical expenses, promote the construction of public health service system, improve the basic medical service system and network system that cover urban and rural residents, and increase public health service ability and level in China.
作者 王双彪
出处 《职业与健康》 CAS 2013年第3期377-380,共4页 Occupation and Health
关键词 医药卫生体制改革 基本公共卫生服务均等化 公共卫生服务项目 Medical and health system reform Equalization of basic public health services Public health services projects
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