Objective To explore the clinical and echocardiogram characteristics of patients with arrhythmogenic light ventricular cardilmyopathy (ARVC) for the improvement of the early diagnostic accuracy of this disease. Methods The clinical and echocardiogram characteristics of patients with ARVC were analyzed. Results According to the echocardiography, right ventricular enlargement was found in 23 cases, right ventricular tract broadening in 17 cases. Right ventricular wall motion diffusely weakened in 17 cases and locally weakened in 8 cases. Ventrieular aneurysm was found in 4 cases, right ventricular trabecular disarangement in 19 cases, hypereehogenicity of moderator band in 8 eases and baekflow signal in right atrium in 23 cases. Conchlsion Echocardiogram can show cardiac morphological and functional changes in patients with ARVC. It has important clinical significance for the diagnosis of this disease and follow-up observation .
Journal of Clinical Ultrasound in Medicine