

Change Has Come
摘要 国际金融危机带来的深层影响在2012年继续显现,欧洲主权债务危机深化、蔓延,世界经济复苏明显减速,国际市场需求下滑。这直接导致中国的进出口低迷:全年外贸增速仅有6.2%,远低于预期的10%。 The impact of the global financial woes still runs. China's imports and exports slowed down remarkably as the world economy was decelerated by the European debt crisis and the shrinking market. The country's foreign trade grew at only 6.2% in 2012, far below the expected rate of 10%. The Chinese Ministry of Commerce reported that the inside and outside conditions of Chinese foreign trade might go slightly better in 2013, but the restrictions would continue. Somechangeshavecome. The Chinese government has decided to lower its tariffs. According to the country's tariff plan, more than 780 imported products will enjoy annual temporary tariff rates. Besides, the trade control policies will also be adjusted. The outside markets have been also changing. The U.S. economy will remain reviving, as more manufacturers keep moving their businesses back to their homeland. The Euro Zone will continue to dwindle. Some emerging economies, such as Latin America, will give a new stimulus to the global economy. Meanwhile, the power driving the world will also change. The alternative energies will no longer be alternative, and the renewable power will start to be seen as normal. All these will change the energy structure which spurs the world economy. The investment will suffer a slowdown as the private- equity firms may encounter an awful year in 2013. There will be more consolidation in the industry, as the weakest players are absorbed by healthier ones or simply expire because billions of dollars of debt they took in recent years will come due. The mobile Internet will stand out as a bright spot. Investors have been piling into mobile start- ups. And there will be more.
出处 《中国海关》 2013年第2期18-37,15,共20页
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