目的探讨宫颈癌筛查的VIA/VILI技术在社区卫生服务中推广应用的可行性。方法组织广西南宁地区社区服务的妇幼保健工作者培训VIA/VILI技术,分析对该技术的掌握情况。结果参加培训人员共有162人,其中基层卫生院的占85.18%,住院医师、护士、助产士占69.75%;理论测试成绩良好以上约88.73%。实际工作中初学者和熟练掌握者所检查出的CIN级例数比较差异无统计学意义,(P=0.427>0.05)。结论 VIA/VILI操作简单,易于掌握,应用VIA/VILI技术进行宫颈癌筛查对尚未建立起细胞学诊断系统的社区卫生服务中心可提高宫颈癌前病变检出率,具有很好应用前景。
Objective To evaluate the feasibility of practical use of VIA/VILI on screening of cervical cancer in community health centers.Methods The maternal and child health workers in community centers were trained for VIA / VILI technique and their skills were also assessed.Results Out of 162 workers trained,85.18% were from primary health facilities and 69.75% were residents,nurses and midwives.88.73% of trainees had mastered the technique well.There was no significant difference for CIN detection between beginners and experienced workers(P0.05).Conclusions VIA/VILI is a simple technique and easy to learn.It has a great potential to be used for the screening of cervical precancerous lesions in community health centers where cervical cytology screening system is not available.
Chinese Preventive Medicine
广西壮族自治区卫生厅项目(S 200826)