目的运用卫生经济学方法,通过调查艾滋病低流行区某市的A、B两地暗娼人群干预的活动内容与单价,测算暗娼人群干预的单位成本。方法采用查阅资料与直接询问相结合的方式,获取暗娼人群干预的活动内容及单价等信息,借鉴"ADB模型"对数据进行描述性分析,测算单位成本。结果 2010年,A、B两地暗娼人群干预的年度单位成本分别为98.46元/人、68.07元/人。干预经费支出以外展、同伴教育活动、安全套和宣传材料为主。结论暗娼人群干预的单位成本受干预的活动内容、频次、单价及目标人群规模大小等影响。
Objective To calculate the unit cost of interventions for commercial sex workers (CSW) by applying health economics aproaches through investigating the contents and expenditures of interventions in districts A and B of X City with low HIV/AIDS prevalence. Methods The contents and unit price of interventions were analyzed through direct inquiry and data review. A descriptive analysis of the data obtained was developed to calculate the u- nit cost by using the "Costing Guideline for HIV/AIDS Intervention Strategies (ADB model)". Results In 2010, the unit cost of CSW interventions in districts A and B was RMB 98.46 and 68.07 yuan per person per year. In dis- tricts A and B, the intervention expenditures were mainly used for outreach activities, peer education, condom use and information education and communication (IEC). Conclusions The contents, frequency and unit prize of inter ventions and size of the target population are all important factors influencing the unit cost of CSW interventions.
Chinese Journal of Aids & STD