Human brain is a dynamic system inilueoced by various experiences-The structure and functions of human brain are often in dynamic repair or reorganization, which is reflected as the so-caUed plasticity.The current studies in the field of cognitive neuroscience indicate that the centreI nervous system reflects certain plasticity in the whole lire process of each individual human bein9.For example,the brains of children, adults and abnormal people are adaptable to certain extent.Such pbenomed'! on of human brain's plasticity has important enlightenment to the practice of education and teachin9. Namely.the plasticity of brain Call be fufly used in child education by providing different but appropriate educational environments for pronaoting the integrated development of the potentials of human brain.A comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the plasticity of brain cart heb find the best combining point between the plasticity of brain and ed-ueational aetivitie.The plasticity of each individual's brain is in dynamic change in different stages. and even the functions and plasticity of different sections of brain vary in differem periods of time.While working out ducational plans or inter---- ference measures. comprehensive considerations must be given to all the factors influencing the plasticity of brain for emphasizing the dfectiveness and feasibility of educational activities and realizing the science-based protection, utilization and development of human brain
Abacus and Abacus Calculation
cognitive neuroscience.edueation, brain,plasticity