Screens (monitors and TV sets) have undergone a rapid change in technology from cathode ray tubes to fiat panel displays. To date, only small quantities of fiat panel displays have been recorded at waste collection sites. Increasing quantities in the future make an adequate recycling infrastruaure necessary. This paper aims to provide basic data on quantities, composition, recycling technology and experience from a case study on economic impacts of liquid crystal display screens recycling. For components and materials which are also applied in other types of electronic products such as ferrous and non-ferrous metals, printed circuit boards or cables, recycling paths and technologies are well known and available. Currently, liquid crystal displays ( LCD ) are not recycled in Europe. When disposed of, for example by incineration, their content of valuable materials is no longer available. Here indium is of specific interest, as a scarce resource with strategic importance for applications such as photovoltaics. A recycling infrastructure for LCD in EuroDe could thus be useful.
Chinese Journal of Environmental Management
liquid crystal display, recycling technology, economic analysis