
地下水渗入排污管道的定量方法 被引量:24

Quantitative Methods for Groundwater Infiltration into Sewer System
摘要 在排污管道系统中,地下水的渗入是个普遍问题。随着管材的老化,地下水可通过破损的管壁或接口处渗入管中,渗入的地下水会给环境带来危害并造成经济损失,是一个值得关注的重要问题。为了评估地下水渗入量,发达国家的学者发展并提出了三种定量方法:水量平衡法,同位素示踪法以及污染物负荷法,其中水量平衡法是传统的方法,而后两种方法是近几年提出的新方法。详细介绍了三种方法的原理和特点,通过对比发现:传统的水量平衡法精度低,误差大,但可实施性强,费用低;同位素示踪法精度高,误差小,但对区域水文条件有特定要求,且评估费用高。经综合比较分析后认为,污染物负荷法将是一种有希望得到普遍应用的方法。 Groundwater infiltration into sewer systems is a common problem. As sewer pipes age, groundwater can infiltrate into these sewer pipes through various types of defects. This extraneous water can cause economic and environmental detriments. However, not enough attention is paid to this problem in China. Three quantification methods for estimating the amount of infiltration which were developed and adapted in developed countries were introduced: water balance method, stable isotopic tracer method and pollutant time series method. Water balance method is a traditional method, while the other two are newly proposed methods. Th.eir principles and applicability were presented and compared. The result of water balance method is relatively rough, while the stable isotope method is more accurate and reliable. As for the expenditure, the contrary is the case. Among these methods, the pollutant time series method is probably the most promising method.
出处 《中国给水排水》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第4期21-25,共5页 China Water & Wastewater
基金 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项(2008ZX07317-001)
关键词 地下水 渗入量 排污管道 groundwater infiltration sewer system
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