
网络效能度量模型探讨 被引量:1

Discussion of Measurement Model of Networked Effects
摘要 为了度量网络效能的大小,通过对美国Jeffrey R.Cares所建立的网络效能度量模型提出疑问,在参考相关知识和概念的基础上,采取引入网络链路连通概率的方式,对该模型进行了拓展并进行了举例计算。计算结果表明:网络效能不但取决于网络中的节点和链路的数量,而且还与链路连通概率相关,这与实际相吻合。拓展后的模型不但可以用于分析或比较网络效能的大小,而且还可以用于权衡网络链路的相对重要性。这为开展基于复杂网络的作战效能问题研究提供了一种新思路。 In order to measure networked effects and referring to the relevant knowledge and concepts, the paper brought forward a question about networked effects modelwhich was established by Jeffrey R. Cares. B~, introducing connected probability of link, the paper improved the model, and gave two examples. The studies show that networked effects not only depend on the number of nodes and links, but also have relations with connected probability of link. The improved model is consistent with the actual situation. It can be used not only to evaluate networked effects, but also to compare the essentiality of links. It provides a new way for evaluating operational efficiency of complex network.
作者 侯向阳 吴柱
机构地区 海军指挥学院
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期30-33,共4页 Computer Simulation
关键词 网络效能 度量模型 链路连通概率 Networked effects Measurement model Connected probability of link
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