Objective To investigate the causes and influencing factors of dead on arrival (DOA) in children. Methods The clinic data from 66 children with DOA admitted in the emergency department of Hunan Children's Hospital from Jan 2010 to Apr 2012 were analyzed retrospectively. Results All of the 66 cases had cardiac respiratory arrest when admission. Fourteen cases had arrest for 10 minutes, 12 cases for 30 minutes to an hour,40 cases had no details. Forty-four (68.2%) cases were carried by parents,22(31.8% ) cases were transferred by medical professionals. The main causes of DOA were severe pneumonia with respir- atory failure and (or) heart failure,intracranial infection, neonatal diseases. All cases were taken to resuscita- tion room by triage immediately. Tracheal intubations were completed in 48 cases and intravenous access with injection of epinephrine and other resuscitative drugs were established in all cases, but all cases were dead due to breathing and heartbeat stopped for a long time. Conclusion DOA is one of the important reasons for pediatric high-risk. The key of reduction of DOA incidence and improvement of survival rate is to improve pediatric emergency medical service system, strengthen the health education for the parents, to carry out training and establish homogenization service in emergency ICU.
Chinese Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Dead on arrival
Cardiopulmonary arrest
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation