
温泉旅游资源可开发价值定量评价模型的构建与应用新探 被引量:17

Exploration of the Construction and Application of a Quantitative Evaluation Model for the Exploitable Value of Hot Spring Tourism Resources
摘要 随着国民休闲需求的增长,我国温泉旅游开发将持续攀升。温泉是一类自然资源特性很类似、开发模式同质化的旅游资源,建立一个能够通用的、衡量其可开发价值大小的定量评价模型,对一定区域内的多处温泉进行统一考评、甄别优劣,显得十分重要和迫切。在评析我国现有温泉旅游资源定量评价模型的基础上,参照旅游资源综合性评估的楚义芳模型等,结合实地深入访谈调研的结果,提出建立模型指标体系的六项原则,选取温泉水自身因素、其它旅游资源的支持与配合作用、环境生态条件、社会经济支撑条件、可到达性、所处的地级大区域背景等34个影响温泉旅游开发价值的不同层次的重要因子,采用指标三级制构建本模型的指标体系,以特尔菲法确定了各指标的权重值。并选取广州"1.5h经济圈"范围内的从化、清新、龙山等三处温泉,对本模型进行了应用尝试。 With increasing national needs for leisure, the development of China' s hot spring tourism is growing. Methods for the quantitative evaluation of the sightseeing district are well developed, however, they are unsatisfactory for hot spring destinations. Since hot springs are a tourism resource with similar characteristics to natural resources, it is urgent that a universal and exploitable-value-measurable Quantitative Evaluation Model is established. This study proposes six principles for setting up an index system model: systematicness, hierarchy, representativeness and significance, relative independentability of indexes, discrimination and the universality of indexes, and combined this with thorough field interviews. Thurty-four important factors on different levels that affect the exploitable value of hot spring tourism were selected to structure this index system model as a three-level system: the self-factor of hot spring water, supporting and coordinating effects from other tourism resources in the hot spring destinations, ecological conditions of environment, supporting conditions of social economy, accessibility to the hot spring destinations, background of the larger area, relationship between the hot spring destinations and circumjacent destinations. Weights of indexes were determined by Delphi methods and consulting 27 experts from different positions in the tourism industry over three rounds. Application of this model was done for Conghua, Qingxin and Longshan hot spring as case studies within an "economic circle of 1.5 hours" from Guangzhou. Expert opinion revealed that demand for hot springs is important and the tourist source region is near. To compare the factors of location with the other conditions of the hot spring area, the influence from the factors of location to the exploitable-value of the hot spring is more weighty than the latter. So that, the factors of location must be taken seriously in the course of making a choice of hot spring destination. We must guard against the harmful tendency to cover up the effects of all the other conditions with the factors of location.
作者 蓝力民
出处 《资源科学》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期312-320,共9页 Resources Science
关键词 定量评价模型 模型构建 可开发价值 温泉旅游资源 Quantitative evaluation model Model construction Exploitable value Hot springtourism resources
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