
玉米耐旱性的配合力分析 被引量:8

Combining Ability of Drought Resistance in Maize
摘要 采用完全双列杂交Griffing方法Ⅰ,分析不同耐旱性双亲组合类型对后代耐旱性的影响及其亲本间耐旱性的一般配合力(GCA)、特殊配合力(SCA)和反交效应,同时对耐旱性主要遗传参数进行分析。结果表明,玉米耐旱性的GCA效应存在显著差异,SCA效应存在极显著差异,反交(R)效应的差异不显著,6个亲本之间的耐旱性存在明显差异,其中郑58耐旱性最强,PH4CV最差。用郑58、吉853、新自8717作耐旱亲本改良对后代耐旱性提高具有增益优势。基因的加性效应对后代耐旱性的提高因亲本和组合而异。因此,耐旱性遗传基因的表达仅取决于加性效应和非加性效应,而与反交效应关系较小,玉米耐旱性的选择宜在高代进行。 With Griffing procedure I, the influence of the combination of different high yield genotypes of maize on the drought resistance of their offspring, the general combining ability, the specific combining ability and the back cross effect between parents and the main genetic parameters for drought resistance were analyzed. The result indicat- ed that there were significant differences of general combining ability effects(GCA), there were highly significant of special combining ability effects(SCA), there is no obvious difference of reciprocal effects(R). There were apparent dif- ferences of drought resistance among six parents, which was the most strong of Zheng58, but PH4CV was the weakest. They have the gain superiority to improve parents of drought resistance with Zheng58, Ji853 and Xinzi8717. The in- fluence of the genetic additive effect on the drought resistance of the offspring varied with parents and combinations. The expression of drought resistance inheritance gene was determined only by the additive and non additive gene ef- fect, but which has little relationship with reciprocal effects. The drought resistance ought to make selection at higher generation.
出处 《玉米科学》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期19-22,共4页 Journal of Maize Sciences
基金 国家玉米产业技术体系建设专项(CARS-02-68) 新疆自治区科技支疆项目(201191220) 新疆自治区农业科技成果转化资金项目(2011GB2G400001)
关键词 玉米 耐旱性 配合力 Maize Drought resistance Combining ability
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