
全球化与教育政策:危机中的隐性变革 被引量:2

Globalization and Education Policy:Invisible Reform in the Crisis
摘要 全球经济一体化使全球的教育政策步入隐性变革时代。从全球化视角考量,教育政策发生隐性变革有其深层原因:全球化促使全球教育的本质和功能发生演变,全球化促使教育的管理理念发生演变,全球化促使教育走向国际化。在形式上,全球语境下教育政策隐性变革是在两个相反向度上突显出来的,即同质建构与异质解构的趋势并存。由于新形式的教育模式和政策的不断涌现,这两种反向趋势始终处于不断交汇融合的竞争状态。从教育实践的角度看,教育政策隐性变革特点主要表现在以下四个方面:民族国家对教育政策的重新阐释,民族国家对教育政策干预力度加强,教育政策时效性增强,教育政策应对意识和服务功能增强。全球化语境下教育政策未来将有四大发展趋势:第一,未来民族国家教育政策的制定将更多地依附于全球语境;第二,教育政策的制定将朝着多元化和多层治理的趋势发展;第三,未来教育政策的制定将以培养国民全球能力和终身就业能力为主要目标;第四,教育政策作为民族国家经济发展的助推剂的指导作用将日益彰显和巩固。 Economic globalization makes world education policy step into an invisible time. From the perspective of globalization, the in- visible change of education policy has its deep reasons:Globalization causes the nature and function of global education to change; Glo- balization causes the managing concept of education to change ; Globalization causes education to internalize. The invisible reform of global education is displayed in two different directions : Homogeneous structure coexists with heterogeneous structure. Because of the birth of new education mode and policy,these two developing trends compete with each other. From the perspective of education prac- tice,the characteristics of invisible reform are embodied in the following four aspects:National country redefines education policy;Na- tional country intensifies its inteference in education policy;National country lengthens its time limit of education policy;Education poli- cy intensifies its dealing consciousness and serving function. Global education policy has four developing trends;One, the policy making of national country's education depends on global context. Two, policy making develops into diversification and multi - level. Three, poli- cy making will take take developing global ability and lifelong ability as its main aims. Four,the boosting function of education policy in national economic development will be clear and intensified.
作者 梁燕华
机构地区 广西大学
出处 《商丘师范学院学报》 CAS 2012年第5期92-96,共5页 Journal of Shangqiu Normal University
关键词 全球化 教育政策 教育危机 隐性变革 globalization education policy education crisis invisible reform
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