

Research on the Chuochao System in the Liao Dynasty
摘要 公元10世纪,游牧的契丹民族在中国北方地区建立了辽朝。因它是契丹贵族在汉人的帮助下建立的,故也吸收了中原王朝的制度和文化,比如辍朝制度。由于契丹皇帝仍然保持着传统的游牧生产生活方式———四时捺钵,故其辍朝制度与中原王朝相比既有相同之处,又有不同之点。其独具特色之点是:一年之中,在春捺钵期间钩鱼,捕鹅﹑雁,秋捺钵期间入山射猎,不处理政务;只在夏、冬捺钵期间举行大政会议,故在此期间才有辍朝之举。 In the 10th century,the Liao Dynasty was founded in the northern part of China by the Khitan nationality.With the help of the Hans who were from the kingdoms of Central Plains,the grassland emperors absorbed the system and culture of the Hans,such as the Chuochao system.At the same time,they still kept the nomadic life-style of their own and moved here and there in the four seasons,which was called the Four-Season Nabo System.So the new system was different from the original one.The emperors,together with almost all his ministers,went to hook fishes and caught swans or wild geese in spring,and went hunting in the mountains in autumn.The military and political meetings were scheduled in every summer and winter,so the emperors just practiced the Chuochao system in these two seasons.
作者 崔学霞
出处 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2012年第6期45-48,共4页 Journal of Hebei North University:Social Science Edition
关键词 辽朝 辍朝 罢朝 四时捺钵 Liao Dynasty Chuochao System Bachao Four-Season Nabo System
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