
烤烟烟叶常规化学成分与主流烟气成分的关系 被引量:32

Relationships Between Routine Chemical Components in Flue-cured Tobacco and Components in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke
摘要 为研究烟叶原料常规化学成分与主流烟气成分之间的相互关系,测定了全国26个烟叶产区的6个品种和进口烤烟烟叶样品的常规化学成分(烟碱、总糖、还原糖、总氯、总钾和总氮)含量、卷烟烟气成分释放量(总粒相物、烟碱、水分、焦油和一氧化碳)和抽吸口数,并对其进行了相关分析、偏相关分析和通径分析。①简单相关分析显示,烟气总粒相物、烟碱和焦油与烟叶烟碱、总钾和总氮含量呈显著相关;烟气一氧化碳与烟叶烟碱呈显著正相关,但与钾含量呈极显著负相关;抽吸口数与总糖、还原糖和总钾呈显著相关。②偏相关分析表明,烟气总粒相物、烟碱和焦油仅与烟叶烟碱含量呈显著的相关关系,烟气一氧化碳和抽吸口数与总钾含量呈显著负相关。③回归和通径分析表明,对烟气总粒相物、烟碱和焦油起主要作用的是烟叶烟碱含量,其次是钾含量,总氮则主要是通过烟碱的间接作用产生影响;烟气一氧化碳主要受烟叶总钾含量的影响;还原糖主要通过总糖的间接作用对抽吸口数造成影响。烟叶中烟碱和总钾含量对烟气成分影响较大。 In order to investigate the relationships between chemical components in flue-cured tobacco and components in mainstream cigarette smoke (MS), the routine chemical components (nicotine, total sugar, reducing sugar, total chlorine, total potassium and total nitrogen) in leaf samples of 6 flue-cured tobacco varieties from 26 tobacco growing areas and imported flue-cured tobaccos, the components (total particulate matter, nicotine, moisture content, tar and carbon monoxide) in MS and the puff number of cigarette were determined, and their relationships were studied with correlation analysis, partial correlation analysis and path analysis. The results showed that: 1) Simple correlation analysis suggested that the total particulate matter, nicotine and tar delivery in MS significantly correlated with nicotine, potassium and chlorine in leaf. The delivery of carbon monoxide in MS significantly positively correlated with nicotine in leaf, while extremely significantly negatively correlated with potassium in leaf. The puff number of cigarette significantly correlated with total sugar, reducing sugar and total potassium in leaf. 2) Partial correlation analysis suggested that the total particulate matter, nicotine and tar delivery in MS only significantly correlated with nicotine in leaf. The delivery of carbon monoxide in MS and the puff number of cigarette significantly negatively correlated with total potassium in leaf. 3) Regression analysis and path analysis indicated that the total particulate matter, nicotine and tar delivery in MS were mainly affected by nicotine in leaf, next by potassium; which were indirectly affected by total nitrogen through nicotine in leaf. The delivery of carbon monoxide in MS was mainly influenced by total potassium in leaf. The puff number of cigarette was indirectly affected by reducing sugar through total sugar. In conclusion, the components in MS were greatly affected by nicotine and total potassium in leaf.
出处 《烟草科技》 EI CAS 北大核心 2013年第2期46-51,82,共7页 Tobacco Science & Technology
基金 安徽中烟工业有限责任公司科技项目"‘黄山’品牌烤烟生产增香保润技术研究"(20121005)
关键词 烤烟 化学成分 烟气成分 相关分析 偏相关分析 通径分析 Flue-cured tobacco Chemical component Smoke component Correlation analysis Partial correlation analysis Path analysis
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