
基于依恋视角的团体咨询与治疗研究综述 被引量:3

Review of Group Counseling and Group Therapy from the Pointview of Attachment Theory
摘要 团体辅导是大学生心理健康教育的重要途径之一,依恋理论是能够解读团体过程与结果的理论框架,并能够指导团体辅导的进行。本文梳理了依恋理论在团体咨询与治疗中的应用文献,从基于依恋的团体治疗的机制,依恋与团体过程的相关研究,依恋与团体辅导效果的研究等几个方面进行综述,并提出了基于依恋视角的团体辅导的操作意见。 In this paper, papers about the application of attachment theory in group counseling and therapy were re- viewed and divided into three parts: the mechanism of group counseling based on the attachment, the research on the relationship of attachment and group process, and the research on the relationship of attachment and group effectiveness. The domestic research about attachment was also reviewed at the end of the paper, and the constrictions and future research were pointed out.
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期170-173,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
关键词 依恋 团体辅导效果 团体辅导过程 综述 Attachment Effectiveness of group counseling Process of group counseling Review
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