
实时信息处理系统多线程框架的高效设计方法 被引量:7

An efficient multi-thread framework designing method for real-time information processing systems
摘要 针对目前的多线程编程模型不能快速有效地解决实时信息处理系统(RIPS)设计的问题,通过对以流水线方式工作的多线程系统进行建模,分析了两种适用于RIPS的多线程模型的时间开销与线程数量、缓冲区数量之间的关系,并基于这两种多线程模型,提出了一种高效的RIPS多线程设计方法。该方法无需过多考虑各线程的设计细节,从而能有效提高多线程RIPS的开发效率,同时保证系统的高效与稳定。在x86通用PC机平台上对该方法进行的仿真验证的结果表明,该方法能够保证RIPS的可靠性和稳定性。与基于MPI搭建的系统的对比测试结果表明,基于该方法搭建的系统具有更高的效率和鲁棒性。 The study was conducted as follows to solve the problem that existing multi-threading programming models can- not be used to effectively design a real-time information processing system (RIPS) : A pipeline-wise multi-thread architecture was modeled, and the relationship between the overhead time and the number of threads or buffers in two multi-thread models suitable for RIPS was analyzed, and then, an efficient multi-thread programming method for design of RIPS was proposed based on these two models. The results of the experiment performed on the x86 based PC platform show that the proposed method can guarantee RIPS' efficient and smooth running. And the com- parative test shows that the RIPS designed based on the proposed method has the higher efficiency and robustness than that designed based on the programming framework of message passing interface (MPI). The method need not to consider the design details of each thread, so it can improve the efficiency of RIPS design and bring the system a good stability.
出处 《高技术通讯》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期42-48,共7页 Chinese High Technology Letters
基金 863计划(2009AA8012320B)资助项目.
关键词 实时信息处理系统(RIPS) 多线程 线程同步 流水线 real-time information processing system (RIPS), multi-thread, thread synchronization, pipeline
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