采用高效液相色谱法测定了血清中海洛因的代谢物。本法使用YWG -C1 8分析柱 ,以甲醇 -水 ( 3 :7,含 0 5%三乙胺 ,用冰醋酸调节pH值 =6 8)为流动相 ,流速 1mL/min ,检测波长2 54nm。内标物为苯巴比妥 ;对照品吗啡的线性范围为 0 1 2~ 1 92 μg/mL ,相关系数为 0 9990 ;6-单乙酰吗啡的线性范围为 0 1 8~ 1 62 μg/mL ,相关系数为 0 9989。本法简便 ,灵敏 ,适用于吸毒者血中海洛因含量的监测。
The determination of metabolite of heroin in plasma by HPLC was studied using phenobarbital as internal standard. The YWG-C18 column was used with methanol/water (37) as mobile phase (1mL·min -1 ) which was adjusted to pH=6 8 by 0 5% triethylamine and glacial acetic acid. The detection was at 254nm. The ranges of linearity were 0 12~1 92μg·mL -1 with r=0 9990 and 0 18~1 62μg·mL -1 with r=0 9989 for marphine and 6-monoacetylmorphine, respectirely. The method is simple and sensitive and is applicable to the determination of heroin in plasma of drug abuser.
Analytical Instrumentation