目的分析广西壮族自治区浦北县2004—2011年乙丙类传染病流行情况,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。方法收集该县2004—2011年法定传染病乙丙类疫情资料,采用Excel软件进行数据处理。结果全县2004—2011年报告乙丙类传染病24种,患者数18 427例,年均人群报告患病率为269.39/10万。其中乙类传染病17种,患者数13 416例,年均人群报告患病率为196.13/10万,年均人群报告患病率居前5位的是肺结核、梅毒、病毒性肝炎、淋病、细菌性痢疾。传染病死亡人数171例,年均人群死亡率为2.50/10万,其中获得性免疫缺陷综合征(AIDS)死亡人数占65.50%,狂犬病死亡人数占26.90%。结论该县2004—2011年乙丙类传染病报告发病率呈逐年增多趋势,特别是梅毒和AIDS病例数增多明显,需进一步加强传染病的监控和预防。
Objective To analyze the prevalence situation of category B and C infectious diseases in Pubei county dur- ing 2004-2011 to provide a scientific basis for formulating the prevention and treatment measures. Methods The epidemic sit- uation data of category B and C infectious diseases were collected from this county during 2004-2011 and analyzed by Excel software. Results During this period, 24 kinds of different category B and C infectious diseases were reported with total 18 427 cases. The annual population report incidence rate was 269.39/100 thousand. 17 kinds of infectious diseases belonged to category B ,with total 13 416 cases,the average annual population report incidence rate was 196.13/100 000. The top five among the aver- age annual population report incidence rates was tuberculosis ,syphilis,viral hepatitis ,gonorrhea and bacillary dysentery. The mortality of infectious disease were 171 cases with the average annual population mortality rate of 2.50/100 thousand, AIDS accounted for 65.50% and rabies accounted for 26.90%. Conclusion The incidence rate of category B and C infectious diseases in this county shows the increasing trend year by year during 2004-2011, especially syphilis and AIDS, and the the monitoring and prevention of infectious diseases should be further strengthened.
Journal of Modern Medicine & Health
Communicable diseases/epidemiology
Epidemiology general situation